The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Program has been developed to maintain the high standards of PAAC Credentialed Coaches. The professional development opportunities are intended to recognize the unique and specialized skills of PAAC ADHD Coaches and support them to elevate their practice beyond the basics required for a CACP designation. These professional development opportunities:

  • clearly link topics to ADHD and ADHD Coaching Skills in the context of the PAAC Competencies and PAAC Essentials.
  • support a Coach to expand their knowledge, skills, and abilities at their coaching credential level or build upon their skills to move to the next credential level.
  • encourage learning from various experiences; allowing for both enhancing knowledge and practicing skills within certain limits.
  • allow for some flexibility in acquiring new skills and knowledge; recognizing the value in other professional development experiences for individuals during their career.

Each calendar year (January 1st to December 31st) a PAAC Credentialed Coach must complete and submit a total of 12 CEUs in order to renew their PAAC credential for the next year.

Verify your CEUs here

CEU Categories

ADHD Knowledge Credits

Minimum 7 Credits required.

These credits support the PAAC Competencies and/or Essentials and have a clear link to ADHD.

Pre-approval of a course by the CEU Committee is required.

Certificate of completion required.

Trainer or Coach can submit for approval.

These may include topics such as (but not limited to):

ADHD and the connection with Executive Function weakness

Research or insight on ADHD and co-morbidities. Ex: ADHD & relationship with Anxiety/Depression, or ADHD & Hoarding Disorder, or ADHD & Learning Disabilities, etc.

Research or insight on specific challenges that can impact individuals with ADHD. Ex: ADHD & diet, ADHD & sleep, ADHD & exercise, etc.

Research or insight about tools/software/assistive technology or strategies that can support individuals with ADHD.

ADHD Coaching Skills Credits

Up to 4 Credits available.

These are educational opportunities that contribute to the coach’s professional development but that are not necessarily directly connected to the PAAC Competencies/Essentials, or may not be ADHD-specific.

Pre-approval is not required. Must include a description of the course, the presenter, and describes how the credit supports the Coach as a Professional ADHD Coach. A certificate or proof of completion is recommended.

These support both skill development as a coach and your capacity to offer your coaching services to others. These may include topics such as:

Practice/business building tools (how to run a webinar, marketing skills, etc.)

Advanced coaching skills, tools, and strategies (i.e. Coach Mastery, training in group facilitation not specific to ADHD)

Assessment or coaching tools (i.e. strengths or values assessment tools, coaching models, not specific to ADHD)

Hours spent as an ADHD Coach Mentor, Mentee, or Session Leader

Hours spent teaching as a Trainer or Facilitator (does not include prep. or research hours). For a course that you teach repetitively, this can only be claimed for one time.

Ethical Standards Credit

1 Credits required.

PAAC Quiz completion or verification of Approved Ethics content in another course is required for this credit.

As PAAC continues to claim its place in the world as a premier option for ADHD Coach Accreditation, the emphasis on professional ethical standards continues to grow in importance.

Therefore, as part of the annual CEU process, PAAC ADHD Coaches are asked to complete a self-study webinar and quiz worth 1 CEU.

CEU Pre-Approval

To apply for pre-approval of a course by the CEU committee, please submit the appropriate form:

I am a Coach applying for a course I want to take

I am a Trainer or Facilitator applying for a course I provide